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Is ADHD medication meth?Short Answer, No Methamphetamine is part of the amphetamine family. A class of psychostimulant drugs, which means they speed up the messages travelling between the brain and the body. Amphetamines are used to treat a range of neurological conditions from ADHD, Narcolepsy even Parkinson's disease. Part of the amphetamine family used within medicine also includes Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride which is used in some cold and flu medication. In fact, the first over-the-counter use of stimulant medication was an inhaler that used the amphetamine Benzedrine for nasal congestion. This was also the same amphetamine used to start the treatment of ADHD back when ADHD was referred to as a hyperkinetic reaction of childhood. What is NOT an amphetamine base drug, however, are medications with the base chemical methylphenidate such as Ritalin and Concerta. Despite being widely caught up in discussion as, 'meth for children.' The warnings about prolonged use of amphetamine use do not take into consideration the medicinal use of controlled substances and dosages under the watch of trained medical professionals. Amphetamines have been used to treat ADHD since 1937, and despite popular belief that long-term studies have no been performed. This is simply not true, and we possess countless studies on this subject. REFERENCES,American%20Psychiatric%20Association%2C%201994).,disorder%20with%20or%20without%20hyperactivity.%E2%80%9D
My child is worse in the evenings now since starting medication.Your child is likely suffering medication rebound. Medication rebound is separate to withdrawal or comedown. It is defined as, 'The re-emerging and worsening of symptoms the medication was used to treat.' This occurs as the medication wears off and the body returns to baseline. A relatable example of rebound would be coffee. As the coffee wears off, the user will now feel more tired than when they first had taken the coffee to treat their drowsy symptoms. Please keep in mind, don't look at medication as the Golden Ticket of treatment. You can see medication for ADHD as an exchange. You are trading less than desirable symptoms for hopefully some more manageable ones. eg. Medication rebound, lack of appetite, difficulty with sleep. REFERENCES:-,as%20a%20newly%20emerging%20disorder.
Am I scared to start my child on medication for ADHD.Unlike some other medications, such as Anti-depressants. Stimulant medication, (Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, Adderall) does not need a taper-down period, meaning it can be stopped at any time. Stimulant Medication has been used since 1937, and despite popular belief that long-term studies have not been performed. This is simply not true, and we possess countless studies on this subject. There have been no major negative health effects from taking stimulant medication for a prolonged period of time. Long-term use of stimulant medication used as intended has found positive and lasting effects on the brain. Studies have shown that children with ADHD who don't get treatment have smaller, underdeveloped brain regions in adulthood. However adults with ADHD who took stimulant medication as children have brain regions that develop to reach normal adult size. Does this prove that stimulant medication can cure ADHD? Nice thought, but no, it merely suggests that stimulants can reduce some of the brain differences that may cause ADHD symptoms. REFERENCES,up%20ratings%20with%20the%20prescriber.,American%20Psychiatric%20Association%2C%201994).,disorder%20with%20or%20without%20hyperactivity.%E2%80%9D
How much is too much in dosage for ADHD medication?It is common, and very understandable for parents and patients themselves to question the sized dosage of their stimulant medication for ADHD. The approach should always be “Start Low, Titrate Slow.” Stimulant medication dosage is not as simple as age and weight. Some people may not be affected by low to moderate dosages simply because that is the way their bodies are. And others may respond incredibly well to minute quantities of the prescribed medication. This doesn't mean one has ADHD worse than another. It cannot be measured on a scale of impact based on their response to stimulant medication. Another thing to note with stimulant medication is that too low of a dosage can be just as off-putting to mood and cognitive function as too high a dosage. Keep a list of what you experience and prepare it for your Doctor to assess whether this medication is best for you or where to go next in your journey to finding the right fit. REFERENCES
My child's pupils are really big and looks stonedNorepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline are thought to be linked to pupil dilation. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is closely tied to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Both stimulants, and some non stimulant medications used in the symptom management of ADHD work by increasing norepinephrine in order the benefit cognitive function of the individual taking the medication. It is also why pupil dilation is understood to be an indication of cognitive behavioural changes and decision making, as referenced in the below study. REFERENCES,and%20corresponding%20changes%20in%20behavior.,the%20kidneys%2C%20and%20inhibiting%20peristalsis.
ADHD Medication Guide Table
How do I get diagnosed for Autism?For Children General Practitioner (GP) ---> Paediatrician, Child Psychologist, Diagnostic Team For Adults General Practitioner (GP) ---> Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Diagnostic Team OTHER ROUTES Other methods of seeking diagnosis consist of Private Practitioners in the same professions.
How do I get diagnosed for ADHD?For Children General Practitioner (GP) ---> Paediatrician (needed for medication) Child Psychologist For Adults General Practitioner (GP) ---> Psychiatrist (needed for medication) Psychologist OTHER ROUTES Other methods of seeking diagnosis consist of Private Practitioners in the same professions. Please understand that Paediatricians and Psychiatrists are the only practitioners that can dispense ADHD medication if that is the direction you wish to go down. Finding the right diagnostic pipeline for your needs is important when starting your journey. It can be costly if you hit a roadblock, not just in terms of money. But also time waiting on appointments.
My Paedatrician/ Psychiatrist Denied my assessment from another Professional, what can I do? - [AUTISM]Sadly, this is becoming more and more common as other avenues are being sort to take ease off the already over encumbered diagnostic pipeline and in some cases, yearly waiting times. Below is the supplied information on who can diagnose and the resource links available to take with you if you feel you may be dismissed due to the particular route you've taken. WHO CAN DIAGNOSE AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER SINGLE PERSON PERFORMING ASSESSMENT:- In Australia, the following professions can give a single clinician diagnosis for autism: Medical practitioner who holds specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia in the field of community child health, general paediatrics, psychiatry or neurology Medical practitioner who holds general or specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia and has at least six years of relevant experience, training or supervision in the assessment of neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders Psychologist who holds general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia and practice endorsement in clinical psychology, educational/developmental psychology or neuropsychology In addition to the above requirements, the clinician should also have: Relevant training and expertise in the assessment and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Clinical reasoning in weighing evidence, and performing diagnostic formulations and decisions Knowledge of the signs and symptoms associated with ASD and common co-occurring or differential diagnosis conditions Knowledge of the criteria for ASD and co-occurring or differential diagnosis conditions described by the current version of international diagnostic manuals (e.g. DSM and/or ICD) It is also recommended that the clinician obtain and maintain the additional skills and expertise listed above through peer observation, peer supervision and peer mentoring. Formal training courses and/or further qualifications may supplement these peer learning approaches. Please note that a single clinician diagnosis of ASD is not always possible. In some cases, a consensus team diagnostic evaluation may be required, particularly if the clinician is uncertain about the diagnosis or if there are complex medical or psychosocial factors involved. DIAGNOSTIC TEAM (CONSENSUS DIAGNOSTIC TEAM):- A consensus diagnostic team for autism in Australia typically includes at least two clinicians with expertise in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders, such as: Medical practitioner who holds specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia in the field of community child health, general paediatrics, psychiatry or neurology Medical practitioner who holds general or specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia and has at least six years of relevant experience, training or supervision in the assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders. Occupational therapist who holds registration with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia Psychologist who holds general registration, with or without a practice endorsement, with the Psychology Board of Australia Speech pathologist who is eligible to be a Certified Practicing Member of Speech Pathology Australia In addition to the above requirements, all members of the consensus diagnostic team should have: Relevant training and expertise in the assessment and diagnosis of ASD Clinical reasoning in weighing evidence, performing diagnostic formulations and making diagnostic decisions Knowledge of the signs and symptoms associated with ASD and common co-occurring or differential diagnosis conditions Knowledge of the criteria for ASD and co-occurring or differential diagnosis conditions described by the current version of international diagnostic manuals (e.g. DSM and/or ICD) The decision of who to include on the consensus diagnostic team is made by the clinician who conducted the single clinician diagnostic evaluation. The clinician should aim to ensure that the team has a broad range of expertise and that all members of the team are qualified to make a diagnosis of ASD. A Social Workers role can also be valuable to the following. Collecting information about the individual's developmental history, social functioning, and behavioral challenges from the individual's family and other informants. Assess the individual's social skills and communication skills. Identify the individual's strengths and needs. Provide support to the individual and their family throughout the diagnostic process. Develop and implement a support plan for the individual and their family, if a diagnosis of ASD is made. THE CONFUSION:- Typically the confusion arises when paedatricians or psychiatrists hear that a Social Worker was involved during the diagnostic process of Autism. What needs clarification is that performing an ADOS-2 assessment is not diagnosis on it's own, and is used as information to prepare for the diagnostic consensus team to analyze. Social workers, as well as other professions in relative fields such as Psychologists, Physicians, Speech-Language Therapy, Behaviour analysts, Professionals and graduate students in related fields such as Education, Special Education, Occupational Therapy, can all administer and score the ADOS-2 if having completed training and competency by a recognized training body in order to understand how to accurately perform the assessment. QUOTED FROM AUTISM CRC DIRECT RESPONSE "Regarding the implementation of the National Guideline for assessment and diagnosis of autism in Australia. We are committed to supporting implementation of the Guideline, and so have developed a range of general resources on our website, that you may have seen: In section 4.3 of the Guideline social workers are listed as Other Professionals that the Assessment Team will liaise with to obtain further information about the individual being assessed, to support the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation. This section says “These other professionals are not part of the Assessment Team; however, their input may be helpful to obtain a more complete clinical picture of the individual’s presentation in their everyday environment or provide specialist guidance to explore alternative explanations for presenting signs and/or symptoms. Other professionals may contribute information over a broad range of topics or in relation to a very specific topic. A clinician may meet the qualification and expertise requirements to conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment and/or Diagnostic Evaluation, yet their role in an individual’s assessment will be limited to providing information if they are not involved in the full range of tasks conducted by the Assessment Team.” In section 7.1 of the Guideline a “social worker who is eligible to be a member of the Australian Association of Social Workers” is listed as a Professional able to conduct an Assessment of Functioning as part of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment. However, I am afraid we are not able to expand on individual Recommendations that are presented in the Guideline or explain how they should be implemented in individual scenarios. The reason is that the Recommendations were developed through a structured and collaborative process, leading to the specific wording for each Recommendation. We encourage all Guideline users to consider the Recommendations and supporting explanatory text, as well as the resources mentioned above, but then apply the Recommendations in ways that are relevant to individual contexts and circumstances." THE CONCLUSION:- Despite doing everything right, from all the correctly qualified and authorised professionals. Because the guidelines are merely guidelines, and because the world of neurological conditions are so often debated. Another Doctor may choose to ignore previous diagnosis despite who has done it prior. Even if having been accepted by NDIS or having been taken medication for said condition or disorder for any amount of time. REFERENCES:-
You can out grow ADHDJerome Wakefield defined 'Disorder' as a harmful dysfunction. It is something that can affect or impact daily life. And so by this definition and understanding, we can apply a disorder to, for instance. Binge Eating - Everyone eats, but when you eat to an unhealthy degree that directly affects your daily life and ability to function effectively. The binge eating has potential to being a disorder. Video Games - Everyone plays video games, but when it impacts your sleep, your work, your ability to pay attention to your children, your own hygiene and other needs. You may develop a, video game disorder. Attention Deficit - Everyone gets distracted at times, and everyone gets bored or forgetful. But if you are doing this to such a degree that it impacts your daily life and ability to function effectively with the tasks required of you. eg. Work, School. You may fit the diagnostic criteria for an Attention Disorder. Whether or not someone can "grow out of" ADHD is a matter of debate. Some people may find that their ADHD symptoms improve as they get older, especially if they receive treatment. However, others may continue to experience ADHD symptoms throughout their lives. If a person with ADHD's brain development has caught up to the expected growth and functionality, and they no longer suffer from ADHD symptoms, then they may no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Another way to think about it is that ADHD is not just about the symptoms. It is also about how the symptoms impact a person's life. If a person's ADHD symptoms are no longer impacting their daily life, then they may not fit the definition of a disorder. REFERENCES
My ADHD child just won't learnDespite the popular misconception, ADHD is not a deficit with intelligence. You can have ADHD with and learning disorder (dyslexica for instance), and you can have ADHD with an intellectual disability (ID). But ADHD itself is not a condition where intelligence is directly affected. The condition is one that effects the doing, the performance of what is known. They know what to do, but can't do what they know. This is a clear distinction and fundamental principle to remember when focusing on behavioural management. Triggers are needed to be avoided, rather than taught how to manage them in the instance.
But everyone struggles, you don't NEED a diagnosisIt is common to find this comment coming from other family members. Especially towards the first in the family to be diagnosed Family members with undiagnosed traits may reject their newly diagnosed relative by saying that their struggles are normal. They may speak from their own experiences of suffering, which may have been dismissed by others, and thus keep their own difficulties hidden. Their resistance and bitterness may reveal their resentment at not getting the help or recognition they deserve. This could be a trauma response formed from others dismissing their needs after being told that they do not need attention or support in the areas of their deficits.
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